Keterangan latihan soal :
Materi = Tenses
Sub Materi = Simple Present Tense
Jumlah Soal = 25
Jenis Soal = Isian
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Rumus Simpel Future Tense
Write the correct answer bellow by following the formulas above!
1. (+) Dinda will go to library next week.
(-) …………………………………………………
(?) …………………………………………………
2. (+) Ulfa will celebrate her birthday tonight.
(-) …………………………………………………
(?) …………………………………………………
3. (+) …………………………………………………
(-) Rani will not come to the office tomorrow
(?) …………………………………………………
4. (+) …………………………………………………
(-) Raisa will not finish her work next Saturday.
(?) …………………………………………………
5. (+) …………………………………………………
(-) …………………………………………………
(?) Will Sarah cook fried noodles tonight?
6. (+) …………………………………………………
(-) …………………………………………………
(?) Will Andi buy a new bike next week?
7. (+) I shall close the shop tonight.
(-) …………………………………………………
(?) …………………………………………………
8. (+) …………………………………………………
(-) They will not play football later.
(?) …………………………………………………
9. (+) …………………………………………………
(-) …………………………………………………
(?) Will they take school examination next month
10. (+) …………………………………………………
(-) Bagas will not join fooball club at school next week.
(?) …………………………………………………
11. (+) Ahmad will write a poem this night.
(-) …………………………………………………
(?) …………………………………………………
12. (+) They are going to eat in the restaurant later.
(-) …………………………………………………
(?) …………………………………………………
13. (+) Aris and Budi will play chess tonight.
(-) …………………………………………………
(?) …………………………………………………
14. (+) …………………………………………………
(-) …………………………………………………
(?) Will My father repair his car tomorrow.?
15. (+) …………………………………………………
(-) …………………………………………………
(?) Will Susan meet her best friend next monday?
16. (+) Lila will clean this room tomorrow.
(-) …………………………………………………
(?) …………………………………………………
17. (+) Anita will finish her work this night.
(-) …………………………………………………
(?) …………………………………………………
18. (+) …………………………………………………
(-) Mifta will read your letter this afternoon.
(?) …………………………………………………
19. (+) Hanung is going to swim three days later.
(-) …………………………………………………
(?) …………………………………………………
20. (+) …………………………………………………
(-) Panji is not going to sleep at hotel tonight.
(?) …………………………………………………
21. (+) Julia will complete her assignment next week.
(-) …………………………………………………
(?) …………………………………………………
22. (+) …………………………………………………
(-) …………………………………………………
(?) Will Joko sell his car tomorrow?
23. (+) …………………………………………………
(-) She will not phone me later.
(?) …………………………………………………
24. (+) …………………………………………………
(-) Rara is not going to visit my house next Sunday.
(?) …………………………………………………
25. (+) I am going to visit my cousin later.
(-) …………………………………………………
(?) …………………………………………………
Lihat juga soal tentang Tenses lainnya :
=> Soal Simple Present Tense dan Kunci Jawaban
=> Soal Simple Past Tense dan Kunci Jawaban
=> Soal Simple Past Future Tense dan Kunci Jawaban
1. (+) Dinda will go to library next week.
(-) I will not go to the library next week .
(?) Will I go to the library next week?
2. (+) Ulfa will celebrate her birthday tonight.
(-) Ulfa will not celebrate her birthday tonight.
(?) Will Ulfa celebrate her birthday tonight?
3. (+) Rani will come to the office tomorrow.
(-) Rani will not come to the office tomorrow
(?) Will Rani come to the office tomorrow?
4. (+) Raisa will finish her work next Saturday.
(-) Raisa will not finish her work next Saturday.
(?) Will Raisa finish her work next Saturday?
5. (+) Sarah will cook fried noodles tonight.
(-) Sarah won’t cook fried noodles tonight.
(?) Will Sarah cook fried noodles tonight?
6. (+) Andi will buy a new bike next week.
(-) Andi will not a new bike next week.
(?) Will Andi buy a new bike next week?
7. (+) I shall close the shop tonight.
(-) I shall not close the shop tonight.
(?) Shall I close the shop tonight?
8. (+) They will play football later.
(-) They will not play football later.
(?) Will they play football later?
9. (+) They will take school examination next month.
(-) They will not take school examination next month
(?) Will they take school examination next month
10. (+) Bagas will join fooball club at school next week.
(-) Bagas will not join fooball club at school next week.
(?) Will Bagas join fooball club at school next week?
11. (+) Ahmad will write a poem this night.
(-) Ahmad will not write a poem this night.
(?) Will Ahmad write a poem this night.?
12. (+) They are going to eat in the restaurant later.
(-) They are not going to eat in the restaurant later
(?) Are they going to eat in the restaurant later?
13. (+) Aris and Budi will play chess tonight.
(-) Aris and Budi will not play chess tonight.
(?) Will Aris and Budi play chess tonight?
14. (+) My father will repair his car tomorrow.
(-) My father will not repair his car tomorrow.
(?) Will My father repair his car tomorrow.?
15. (+) Susan will meet her best friend next monday.
(-) Susan will not meet her best friend next monday.
(?) Will Susan meet her best friend next monday?
16. (+) Lila will clean this room tomorrow.
(-) Lila will not clean this room tomorrow.
(?) Will Lila not clean this room tomorrow?
17. (+) Anita will finish her work this night.
(-) Anita will not finish her work this night.
(?) Will Anita finish her work this night.?
18. (+) Mifta will read your letter this afternoon.
(-) Mifta will read your letter this afternoon.
(?) Will Mifta read your letter this afternoon?
19. (+) Hanung is going to swim three days later.
(-) Hanung is not going to swim three days later
(?) Is Hanung going to swim three days later?
20. (+) Panji is going to sleep at hotel tonight.
(-) Panji is not going to sleep at hotel tonight.
(?) Is Panji going to sleep at hotel tonight.
21. (+) Julia will complete her assignment next week.
(-) Julia will not complete her assignment next week.
(?) will Julia complete her assignment next week?
22. (+) Joko will sell his car tomorrow.
(-) Joko will not sell his car tomorrow.
(?) Will Joko sell his car tomorrow?
23. (+) She will phone me later
(-) She will not phone me later.
(?) Will she will phone me later?
24. (+) Rara is going to visit my house next Sunday.
(-) Rara is not going to visit my house next Sunday.
(?) Is Rara going to visit my house next Sunday?
25. (+) I am going to visit my cousin later.
(-) I am not going to visit my cousin later.
(?) am I going to visit my cousin later?
Kami menyadari bahwa latihan soal yang kami buat ini tidak lepas dari kesalahan dan kekurangan. Apabila anda menemui kesalahan dalam penulisan rumus, penulisan kata, penulisan soal dan penulisan jawaban yang kurang tepat atau benar. Kami berharap anda berkenan memberikan saran dan masukan. Semoga latihan soal ini bermanfaat. Terima kasih.