Latihan Soal Mengurutkan Kata Bahasa Inggris ( 5 Kata Pilihan ) Dan Kunci Jawaban

Latihan Soal Mengurutkan Kata Bahasa Inggris ( 5 Kata Pilihan )

Arrange the words bellow into correct sentence !
Aturlah kata-kata di bawah ini menjadi kalimat yang benar!

1. is – diligent – Bayu – a – Boy =  …………………………………….
2. Rani – a – pretty – is – girl =  …………………………………….
3. new – Sintia – has – a – bag =  …………………………………….
4. will – I – go – to – beach =  …………………………………….
5. house – is – this – big – very =   …………………………………….
6. brother – is – my – tall – very =  …………………………………….
7. is – very – that – dirty – house =   …………………………………….
8. Ayuk – red – has – a – bag =  …………………………………….
9. dentist – my – grandfather – is – a =   …………………………………….
10. market – to – goes – the – Ahmad  = …………………………………….
11. shirt – Karina – blue – wears – a =   …………………………………….
12. cat – blue – that – eyes – has =   …………………………………….
13. Cooking – Bagas – is – rice – fried =  …………………………………….
14. father – teacher – is – my – a =  …………………………………….
15. baby – cute – this – very – is =    …………………………………….
16. short – Rani – is – girl – a =   …………………………………….
17. I – to – buy – want – car =  …………………………………….
18. is – it – a – ruler – long =   …………………………………….
19. cake – is – the – very – sweet =    …………………………………….
20. Hasan – green – a – apple – has =  …………………………………….
21. yard – big – that – very – is =  …………………………………….
22. Sinta – a – new – want – book =  …………………………………….
23. is – rita – girl – tall – a =   …………………………………….
24. basket – Sinta – playing – is – ball = …………………………………….
25. grandfather – is – my – very – old = …………………………………….

( Baca juga : Latihan Soal Mengurutkan Kata Bahasa Inggris ( 6 Kata Pilihan ) Dan Kunci Jawaban )

1. is – diligent – Bayu – a – Boy = Bayu is a diligent boy
2. Rani – a – pretty – is – girl = Rani is a pretty girl
3. new – Sintia – has – a – bag = Sintia has a new bag
4. will – I – go – to – beach = I will goto beach
5. house – is – this – big – very = this house is very big
6. brother – is – my – tall – very = my brother is very tall
7. is – very – that – dirty – house = that house is very dirty
8. Ayuk – red – has – a – bag = Ayuk has a red bag
9. dentist – my – grandfather – is – a =  my grandfathe is a dentist
10. market – to – goes – the – Ahmad = Ahmad goes to the market
11. shirt – Karina – blue – wears – a = Karina wears a blue shirt
12. cat – blue – that – eyes – has = the cat has blue eyes
13. Cooking – Bagas – is – rice – fried = Bagas is cooking fried rice
14. father – teacher – is – my – a = my father is a teacher
15. baby – cute – this – very – is =   this baby is very cute
16. short – Rani – is – girl – a = Rani is a chort girl
17. I – to – buy – want – car = I want to buy car
18. is – it – a – ruler – long =  it is a long ruler
19. cake – is – the – very – sweet =   the cake is very sweet
20. Hasan – green – a – apple – has = Hasan has a green apple
21. yard – big – that – very – is = that yard is very big
22. Sinta – a – new – want – book = Sinta want a new book
23. is – rita – girl – tall – a =  Rita is a tall girl
24. basket – Sinta – playing – is – ball = Sinta is playing basket ball
25. grandfather – is – my – very – old =

( Baca juga : Latihan Soal Mengurutkan Kata Bahasa Inggris ( 4 Kata Pilihan ) Dan Kunci Jawaban )

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2 Komentar

  1. Terimakasih Bimbel Brilian yang sudah bersedia membagi bank soalnya. Sangat membantu orangtua seperti saya yang ingin membantu anak belajar sementara bimbel berkualitas di kampung saya terbatas bagi saya dari segi lokasi dan biaya.

    Sukses terus ya para pengajar Bimbel Brilian, semoga bank soal & materi terus dimutakhirkan dan tetap dibagi gratis.

    1. Baik, sama-sama. Semoga materi dan latihan yang kami bagikan bisa bermanfaat bagi putra-putrinya.

      Jika Bapak dan Ibu, menjumpai kesalahan soal atau materi, atau ingin memberikan saran dan masukan. Maka bisa juga menyampaikannya ke kami.