Soal Bahasa Inggris Bab Color Warna-Warna Kelas 1 SD dan Kunci Jawaban

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1 SD Bab Colors
Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1 SD Bab Colors

Kelas : 1 ( Satu )
Bab : Colors (Warna-Warna)

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Bacaan Lainnya

Soal Bahasa Inggris Bab Colors (Warna-Warna) Kelas 1 SD

A. Choose a, b or c  for the correct answer!

1. Soal color kelas 1 sd no. 1
The color of pineapple is …
a. Yellow
b. Blue
c. White

2. Soal color kelas 1 sd no. 2
The color of apple is …
a. White
b. Black
c. Red

3. Soal color kelas 1 sd no. 3
What color is it ?
a. Purple
b. Black
c. White

4. Soal color kelas 1 sd no. 4
What is the color of the car?
a. Green
b. Blue
c. Black

5. Soal color kelas 1 sd no. 5
What is the color of the flag ?
a. Black and White
b. Red and white
c. Blue and green

6. Soal color kelas 1 sd no. 6
What is the color of the sky ?
a. Blue
b. White
c. Black

7. Soal color kelas 1 sd no. 7
The color of the soil is …
a. Gray
b. Purple
c. Brown

8. Soal color kelas 1 sd no. 8
The color of the ribbon is …
a. Black
b. Pink
c. White

9. Soal color kelas 1 sd no. 9
The grass is …
a. Green
b. Black
c. White

10. Soal color kelas 1 sd no. 10
The color of t-shirt is …
a. Black
b. Red
c. Gray

11. Soal color kelas 1 sd no. 12
What the color of the wood?
a. Brown
b. Black
c. White

12. Soal color kelas 1 sd no. 11
The rice is …
a. Gray
b. Purple
c. White

13. Soal color kelas 1 sd no. 13
I have … rose.
a. Red
b. White
c. Brown

14. Soal color kelas 1 sd no. 14
The color of the sunflower is …
a. Green
b. Gray
c. Yellow

15. Soal color kelas 1 sd no. 15
Haris has a …… pencil.
a. Blue
b. Black
c. White

16. Soal color kelas 1 sd no. 16
What is the color of banana?
a. Red
b. Yellow
c. White

17. Soal color kelas 1 sd no. 17
My sister buy …… shoes.
a. Black
b. Gray
c. Pink

18. Soal color kelas 1 sd no. 18
What is the color of chair?
a. Black
b. White
c. Purple

19. Soal color kelas 1 sd no. 19
The color of the eggplants is …
a. Gray
b. Yellow
c. Purple

20. Soal color kelas 1 sd no. 20
Rudi wants to buy a …. hat.
a. Blue
b. White
c. Black

Lihat juga :
=> Soal Pengurangan Level 1 (1-10) dan Kunci Jawaban


Kunci Jawaban A

  1. a. Yellow
  2. a. Red
  3. a. Purple
  4. c. Black
  5. b. Red and white
  6. a. Blue
  7. c. Brown
  8. b. Pink
  9. a. Green
  10. a. Black
  11. a. Brown
  12. c. White
  13. a. Red
  14. c. Yellow
  15. a. Blue
  16. b. Yellow
  17. c. Pink
  18. a. Black
  19. c. Purple
  20. a. Blue


=> Download Soal Bahasa Inggris Bab Color Warna-Warna Kelas 1 SD dan Kunci Jawaban

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